How to View Your Facebook Pixel Conversions

Alright, you’ve followed our Facebook Pixel getting started guide and want to see your conversions.

Before we start, make sure:

To view your ad’s conversions,

  1. Head over to your Facebook Ads Manager.
  2. You’ll see a couple tabs labeled Campaigns, Ad Sets or Ads. Pick the one you want to view conversions for.
  3. Click the Columns dropdown menu.
  4. Select Customize Columns and check the boxes for the stats you want to see. You can also remove columns to simply your view.
  5. Once you’re done, click Apply to make your changes live. The resulting table will show you your conversions.

That’s it! By default, Facebook will attribute conversions based on a 28 day window from when the ad was clicked. Facebook will also attribute conversions on a 1 day window for ads that were only viewed. To learn more about attribution windows, read Facebook’s guide on attribution.


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